08 January 2018

Review: Called to Create

I was principally drawn to the title of Jordan Raynor's new book. Called to Create (2017, Baker Books). I have thought a lot recently about the concept of creativity in the Christian life. About a year ago, I instituted something in our home, Family Create Nights, where we would practice expression. I am convinced that part of our nature as God's image bearers is that we are creative, whether that is through art, or some other medium.  I was excited about reading more about those ideas in Raynor's book. 

I admit, however, that right off the bat, I was disappointed. The opening chapter was entitled "the first entrepreneur." I was not interested in a book on business, which it appeared this was going to be. By definition, an entrepreneur is "a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risk in order to do so." This is not what I thought I had signed up for as I have almost no interest in business or entrepreneurship. 

Once I moved past my initial confusion, though, I found that there is much to commend this book. Within, Raynor writes extensively about the fact that work is not merely a result of the fall, but that we were created to work.  He then tells his readers about how they can work and create in such a way that it gives glory to God.  I particularly appreciated his emphasis on keeping God in view.  All in all, this was a good book and worth looking into, particularly if you are someone with that entrepreneurial spark.

I received a review copy of this book from Baker Books in exchange for this review. The viewpoints presented above are my own. 

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