13 December 2010

Acuff on the Crying Room

Our church doesn't have a crying room, but I have been places where they do.  Jon Acuff, of Stuff Christians Like fame, has written a real winner about the crying room.  I particularly laughed at #4.

4. You will get a cold in there.
Unless you bust out a hazmat suit and coat yourself with a thick layer of Vick’s VapoRub, you are leaving the crying room with a cold. This is happening. Kids are like little mucus machines. The other night my kids had a nose blowing contest in the bathtub. Let me correct that, a “tissue-less nose blowing contest.” If your kid starts crying in church, you might not know what he’s yelling, but let me translate, “Mom, we’re going in the crying room. I hope you like colds!”

Read the whole thing here.  

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