03 February 2012

Presidential prayer breakfast: A review

World Magazine has a good summary of the presidential prayer breakfast. I would commend the whole article to you.  However, I have a few thoughts. 

I was glad to read that Eric Metaxas was the keynote speaker. From what I have gathered he spoke boldly about Jesus, proclaiming him as "the enemy of dead religion."  He went further to speak out boldly against abortion. He apparently noted that the Germans of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's time (Metaxas wrote a biography of Bonhoeffer) viewed some people as less than human, just as many do today. 

Obama also spoke. He apparently cited several Bible verses in support taxing the rich in support of the poor, which are taken out of context to be sure. Without a doubt, the Bible is a strong advocate of caring for the poor and loving the least of these, but that is a mission of the church, not the government.  Plucking verses out of scripture without keeping all of God's word in view is bad exegesis.  The president also apparently aligned himself with Catholic Charities, claiming his administration has linked arm in arm with faith-based groups across the country.  I suspect that Catholic Charities may not view it in the same way. 

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