14 May 2012

Adoption: The New Math

(-2)+2 = a fraction of the whole

In a week, we are returning to Haiti for the second time in three months. When we went in February, Heather and I took Grace with us, but Ian and Tessa stayed behind. Though meeting Yoldine and Vladimy brought me joy, it was still not quite right.  Trading time with two of our children for time with two others left me feeling incomplete. On this trip, we are all going.

7 + 7 + 7 = 1 + 1 + 1

In 7 days 7 people--Papa and Mama, Laura Grace, Yoldine, Ian, Vladimy, and Tessa Faith--will be together for 7 days.

1 Family in 1 Place at 1 Time.

We will be able to play together, read together, eat together, rest together, swim together, and pray together. In other words, we get to be a family together--a glimpse of the future when they finally come home.  

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