10 July 2012

Book Review: How Now Shall We Live?

Over the next year, I will be completing the Centurions Program, a Christian worldview, ethics, and leadership training program established by the late Chuck Colson.  The program requires a fairly substantial reading list that we are required to interact with and reflect on.  The first book, How Now Shall We Live (Colson & Pearcey, 1999) is really a cornerstone to the program. 

In essence, this book is a detailed introduction to the concept of worldview.  The authors not only address what worldview is, but why it matters.  They begin by examining the relationship of Christianity to Naturalism, expanding to look at postmodernism, multiculturalism, and relativism.  They look at each of these things through the grid of creation, fall, and redemption.  In other words, each worldview must account for how we came to be, what went wrong, and how it gets fixed. 

This book nicely combined intellectual rigor with personal accounts of why worldview matters.  No doubt I will have to review this book in greater depth as I go through the program.

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