30 August 2012

Book Review: How the Gospel Brings Us All the Way Home

I recently read Derek Thomas's How the Gospel Brings Us All the Way Home (2011), a purchase I made through Ligonier Ministries $5 Fridays. If you have not availed yourself of their continually great offerings, you should.  I have many wonderful books in my library because of $5 Fridays.

Thomas's book is essentially an exposition of Romans 8. More precisely, it is a book about Romans 8 based upon a series of sermons that Thomas gave.  Switching from the spoken word to the written carries with it certain challenges and, I think, this book has done that reasonably well. 

Thomas builds upon the guilt-grace-gratitude chain that I had not previously heard, though interestingly, one of the next books I picked up, Transformed by the Gospel by Jerry Bridges also builds upon that notion.  Thomas sets out to show how salvation for the Christian is truly an unmerited gift, dependent only upon the blood of Christ. 

On page 12, he asks the question, "Can I still be in a right relationship with God (justified and adopted) and still sin as I do?"  He seems to come down on the side of suggesting that we will continue to sin, but that we cannot be satisfied to stop there.  He then moves on to address big topics like sanctification and mortification and prayer.

All in all, this is a good little book, certainly worth the $5 dollars I paid for it.  It encourages me to go again to Romans 8 as one of the golden gems of Paul's writing.   

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