05 May 2012

10 most read books

Justin Taylor posted an infographic of the top 10 most read books in the world. First, a qualification--this list comprises the 10 most purchased books over the past 50 years.  We can presume that books purchased correlates with number of books read, but certainly not perfectly so.  For example, I know many people who have purchased a Bible, but many who have never read it (you should, if you have not).  I confess my surprise at some exclusions from the list.  I would have anticipated that the Qur'an and the Bhagavad Gita would have been on the list. I also confess my disgust that The DaVinci Code and the Twilight Saga are on the list. 

If you are interested in my list of must read books, look on the right banner of my blog. 

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