Good Morning,
and I returned home yesterday after a week-long trip to spend time with
Yoldine and Vladimy. It was a bittersweet trip. Grace and I spend
three days at the orphanage on this trip and got a better feel for how
our children spend their days. It was very eye opening and frankly not
the life that I want for my children. Despite the conditions the kids
are doing great. It just reminded me that we HAVE to keep praying that
they come home soon.
is happy and healthy. She is a strong swimmer and can swim laps in the
pool easily. We put in yarn braids for her. She has never had long
hair like her
friends and asked that I do that on her. She looks beautiful as you
can see in her photo. I wish I had thought to take a photo of the
moment she saw herself in the mirror. It is was pure and utter joy.
She told me that one of the nannies always tells her that her hair is
too short and is difficult to braid. She asked that I leave the extra
yarn so that they can put them in again for her. At any rate it was
totally worth the time it took to see that look on her face.
has settled some and has learned more self control and obedience since
we last saw him. He too is happy and healthy. He really
likes to draw and make up creatures which is funny since that is what
Ian loves to do as well. We were able to spend his 7th birthday with
him. I made a cake out of rice krispy bars so that he could have his
own cake to blow out candles on. I am so glad that I got to be there
with him.
were there we were able to go to church at an English speaking church
and out to lunch at the most chaotic and confusing food court I have
ever been to. We were able to go to the baptist mission again and see
our good friend Susie who works at another orphanage in Haiti and our
friend James came and brought us mangos and bananas and
went swimming with us.
was able to meet with the president of the board for our orphanage and
the director at the orphanage. That was very eye opening as well. They
are working very hard to make sure that paperwork is moving.
Unfortunately, we are again getting stuck in a staff turn over. The
adoption offices are trying to make things more efficient so while they
are working on that we wait. Vladimy has a passport that I was able to
see while I was there. Yoldine is still waiting on a document to be
stamped so she can get her passport.
want to thank my parents for watching Ian and Tessa while I was gone.
It is such a blessing that they take care of our kids and allow them to
have a fun few days with them while we are gone and Jason is working.
Thank you also to Pam Berg and Kellie Downie who also watched the kids.
Our kids are still jabbering about all the fun that they had with all
of you while we were gone. Finally I want to thank Jason who did and
awesome job holding down the fort! He has got the papa thing down that
is for sure!
So here are our current prayer requests....
*Yoldine needs to have her corrected document stamped
*Protect the children physically, emotionally, and spiritually

Thank you for all of your love and support during this time. We couldn't do it without you.