25 November 2013

Adoption Update: God is Real and Has Good Plans

My beloved writes fairly updates about our adoption journey.  Here were her thoughts from this morning.

Good Morning everyone,
Last night Jason and I were blessed with tickets to the Steven Curtis Chapman, Laura Story, and Jason Gray concert here in Eau Claire.  I sobbed the whole way through.  Jason Gray reminded me that our time waiting for our children to come home was not wasted time.  I so often think of all the time that we have missed with them has been wasted.  It is impossible for my brain to wrap my mind around the 3 and a half years that we have been matched with our kids.   Time we have missed. Yes folks we received their referral three and a half years ago!  In the spring of 2011 during a garage sale fundraiser we received their paperwork.  I never thought at that point that we would still be waiting for them to come home.  I wept thru this entire song.  God just totally opened the flood  gates of my heart to stop focusing on all that we have missed and thanking him for the time we have had with them and WILL have with them in the future!  So please watch this video because I am sure I am not the only one that this music will speak too.
Then Laura Story started singing and two sentences into this song I lost it again.  I have been trying to do this all on my own.  I have been angry at God for not working on my time table.  Again this will speak so many of you.

I have a renewed hope and strength to get thru these last few steps before my kids come home. 

Then during Steven Curtis Chapman's video on adoption he shared the story of a little girl with twisted legs like little Lili from our children's orphanage.  Some of you know her story.  Some of you know that I desperately want to bring her home to our family.  I think about the idea that if she is not brought to the United States she will spend her nights in the infirmary with the sick children and spend her days in wheelchair stuck in the main building with children 3 and under since she won't be able to get her wheelchair outdoors.  If she does go out of the main building she will have to drag her body across the hard dirt, rocks, or concrete.   Please pray that God will either move our family to bring her into to our family or to another family so that she can thrive and walk!   It is NOT God's plan for her to grow up in an orphanage!  

Then to finish me off last night they ended the night with worship music.  The song that God has used in my heart so many times in regards to our adoption is the one that says...Savior he can move mountains....I never remember the rest of the song but God moved MOUNTAINS of paperwork to bring Tessa home quickly.  Why God hasn't moved mountains to bring home Yoldine and Vlad I don't know and won't until we get to heaven.  However GOD WILL MOVE MOUNTAINS!  Our time waiting isn't wasted! Mostly my family and I will NOT have to do this alone!  Our God is with us and HE IS REAL and HE IS MOVING MOUNTAINS!

I am so thankful for God using these musicians to speak into my heart to encourage me thru these last steps.  Please be praying with us as we wait for these final steps to bring home our children.


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