26 July 2009

12 years ago

Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth-Proverbs 5:18

Twelve years ago today, I had the honor of marrying Heather. In some regards, the time has flown by as a rushing river and in other regards, it seems as though we have always been together. We have shared so much of our lives as one flesh, working diligently together to honor God. We have experienced the joy of living in 7 homes in 4 states. We have been blessed with two wonderful children (and a 3rd on the way). God has also granted us the privilege of a wonderful church family. His blessings abound!

In today's society, the concept of marriage is increasingly diluted (or is it deluded?). Couples, even those professing faith in Christ, live together before they are married to make sure they are "sexually compatible." The divorce rate for "Christians" is similar to that of the populous and, in fact, we often hear of pastors who divorce because "things just didn't work out." It is scarcely possible now to watch the news without finding reference to the attacks on the legal and constitutional definition of "marriage."

Yet, I remain hopeful about Christian marriages in general and mine in particular. Considering that my parents have each divorced twice, my hope doesn't make intuitive sense and in fact, my friend Ben asked me how I could feel this way in light of my background. I told him that because of God's grace and a Biblical view of marriage, I am profoundly secure in my union with my wife.

I know that a Biblical view of marriage, which speaks of man and woman as one flesh (Gen 2:24), the Biblical headship of the husband (Ephesians 5), and the loving submission of the wife (I Peter 3) is unpopular with many people, but this is the way God intended marriage and when people follow that model, God is glorified. I have seen friend's marriages crumble and when they ask what went wrong and how Heather and I are different, I point to these principles, which inevitably make them uncomfortable.

Heather and I were privileged to witness the union of a Godly couple yesterday. They shared their first kiss at the wedding. Their vows reflected a Biblical view of marriage and I could see evidence of a servant's heart in the groom. During his blessing, the father of the bride stated his hope that we would all be there with the new couple as they celebrate their golden anniversary. I believe that, God willing, they will thrive for those 50 years, as will many of the other Godly couples we communed with there.

I pray that God would help me to be a husband after Christ's heart--to love Heather as He loved the church and sacrificially gave Himself up for her. I love you always, my dear.

(Also, check out this post by our good friend Gen)

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