30 March 2012

Pornography: What good news are you offering?

At Covenant Eyes, Tim Chester asks the question, "what good news are you offering to those struggling with sexual sin?" making the point that 1 in 3 Christians struggle with issues regarding sexual sin and that we live in a culture that frankly assumes sex outside of marriage to be the norm.

He writes, "A recent survey suggested that one in two evangelical men and one in five evangelical women are struggling with pornography. Other surveys bear out these proportions. This means that when you look out on your congregation on a Sunday morning, one in three people are struggling with pornography. What good news are you offering them?

"The chances are many of them think they’re the only ones who are struggling. They may think they’re disqualified from Christian service by their sin, perhaps even from the Christian family. They hide their guilt, terrified of being exposed. Yet at the same time they may long to share their problem. What good news are you offering them?

"Or maybe they’ve told someone and were met by barely masked repulsion. Or maybe the person they told was sympathetic, but didn’t know how to bring hope to the situation or how to offer accountability. What good news are you offering them?"

Read the rest here.  

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