23 October 2010

Francis Schaeffer on Christian Love

"We must remember that the person to whom we are talking, however far from the Christian faith he may be, is an image-bearer of God.  He has great value, and our communication to him must be in genuine love.  Love is not an easy thing; it is not just an emotional urge, but an attempt to move over and sit in the other person's place and see how his problems look to him.  Love is a genuine concern for the individual "as ourselves."  This is the place to begin.  Therefore, to be engaged in personal "witness" as a duty or because our Christian circle  exerts a social pressure on us, is to miss the whole point.  The reason we do it is that the person before us is an image-bearer of God, and he is an individual who is unique to the world.  This kind of communication is not cheap.  To understand and speak to sincere, but utterly confused twentieth-century people is costly.  It is tiring; it will open you to temptations and pressures.  Genuine love, in the last analysis, means a willingness to be entirely exposed to be the person to whom we are talking. "

Francis Schaeffer, The God Who is There. 

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