09 October 2010

A Good Lesson

My friend Gen shared today about her daughter Amelia, about cancer, and about trials.  I was struck by this piece (and not just because she mentions my name).

She writes,

"God often digs wells of joy with the spade of sorrow."

We sat with friends this past Monday night, mulling over a new difficulty that has arisen in our lives. Our friend Jason (who, incidentally, is a neuropsychologist and *may* have some counseling experience) asked us what God has taught us, how He has changed us, through all of this pain in our lives. My answer is that God has taught me to quit fighting.  He has made me a peaceful woman through all of this. The internal temper-tantrums that were a daily failure in my earlier years of mothering are few and far between today, maybe monthly? You have to go to the brink of losing something to understand just how precious it is to you.

1 comment:

Turquoise Gates said...

Glad it touched you - and THANK YOU for asking that question at small group. It really got me reflecting on all God has done for the POSITIVE in our lives because of suffering. He is so good - even when we don't notice!

Love in Him,