03 January 2011

Bible Reading Plans-The One Year Bible

The One Year Bible, which is available in several different versions, provides a very user friendly approach to reading the Bible.  Each date, the reader is given sections from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs.  The reader opens to the date and reads the section for the day. It is simple and straightforward.  

  • As I said, the One Year Bible is simple, straightforward, and easy to follow. 
  • It allows you to read through the whole Bible once per year.  It does not omit sections (e.g., genealogies) as you may be tempted to do without a plan. 
  • It allows you to read from multiple sections each day, which can be beneficial in seeing how sections of the Bible relate to one another.
  • If the One Year Bible is the only Bible you own, you may be frustrated when you get to church and the pastor asks you to look up Jeremiah 1.  The One Year Bible is not indexed in the same way.  Although with some effort you may eventually reach the section of the Bible you are looking for, it does not provide a user friendly approach for any form of study other than daily devotional reading.
  •  People using the One Year Bible often become frustrated when they fall behind.  The inevitable situation will arise when you will miss a day…or a week.  What will you do then?  A common response is to give it up until next January.  I would recommend one of two options.  First, if you have the time, for example on a weekend, work to catch up.  Second, skip the sections you missed and keep going.  You are trying to establish a discipline of reading and if you are too easily overwhelmed and give up, it will not be edifying to you. 
My soul is consumed with longing for your rules at all times. (Psalm 119:20)

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