10 January 2011

Book Review-Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life

This excellent book by Don Whitney was the first book I read in 2010 and I commented that I would likely re-read it again later in the year.  It took until 2011, but a few days ago, I opened it and read it again.  This exceptional book could be a benefit to any Christian hoping to grow in their Christian walk.  His key verse is "Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness" (1 Timothy 4:7).  Whitney covers 11 different disciplines, with 2 bookend summary chapters.  Actually, this would be a perfect amount that the interested reader could cover a discipline a month throughout the year, with a month for wrap up. 

Quotable quotes:
  • So many professing Christians are so spiritually undisciplined that they seem to have little fruit and power in their lives (21). 
  • Here then, is the real problem of our negligence.  We fail in our duty to study God's word not so much because it is difficult to understand, not so much because it is dull and boring, but because it is work.  Our problem is not a lack of intelligence or a lack of passion.  Our problem is that we are lazy. -Sproul (36).
  • Scripture memory is like reinforcing steel to a sagging faith (43).
  • One of the reasons for a lack of godliness is prayerlessness (66). 
  • Focusing on the world more than on the Lord makes us more worldly than godly (95). 
There are many others, though I hope you will all discipline yourself and read this book to discover them for yourself.  5 stars.

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