07 January 2011

Bible Reading Plans-Summary

As the past several days have shown, there are numerous plans available for someone looking to study God's word in more depth.  Bible reading plans are not ends in themselves, but means to an end, which is to know God and His Word better.  Much like a diet, you have to find what works best for you, but you still must do the work even if the approach may look different from person to person.  For those of you not sufficiently overwhelmed by the options already offered, here are a few more options that appear to have some merit.

Discipleship Journal has a 1 year Bible reading plan that is accomplished in 25 days per month, allowing you additional days for catch up. 

ESV Bible has several different options, including a chronological plan, which are also available in an RSS feed (i.e., they email your daily reading to you).

You Version has perhaps the coolest, and most comprehensive, list of plans available.  They have over 50 customizable plans available.

Here are a few other bloggers who have reviewed the importance of Bible study and reviewed some plans over the past week.

Justin Taylor
Desiring God

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!-Psalm 119:103

1 comment:

Turquoise Gates said...

You've heard of B90X right? :-O