20 April 2013

Like a diamond with many facets

God's word is jewel. It sparkles with beauty. It is a wonder to behold and cherish. What I have discovered, though, is that like a diamond, if I am looking directly upon one of the facets, I cannot see the others as clearly. If I can see them at all, it is only indirectly. For example, as I ponder the wonder of God's astonishing grace toward me, I cannot see the call to personal holiness as directly. If I am thinking about God's perfect hatred of sin, it is harder for me to see his loving pursuit of those who perpetuate sin. I turn the diamond finding that what was first in clear view has now become the facet facing away from me. It is a mystery to understand how it all holds together. I think it is important for us to read His word resting humbly in the knowledge that we cannot, in this world, see all facets equally at the same time. Some day, Lord willing, we will.

I think the same can be said for the books we choose to read. I love the writings of Tullian Tchvidjian and Brennan Manning. They put the facet of God's grace right before the eyes of the reader. I also love reading books by guys like Francis Chan and Kevin DeYoung. They turn the jewel slightly so that holiness comes into clearer focus, but it may seem as though grace is less evident. The examples could go on. Each of God's words serves to help us better understand the complete jewel. Christian writers may seem overbalanced on some theme, but if it helps us to understand one aspect of God's character more astutely, then praise be to God.

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.-1 Corinthians 13:12

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