21 January 2013

Jerry Bridges recommendations for dealing with sin

I just started reading Jerry Bridges' Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate.  In chapter six, he addresses "directions for dealing with sins."  Here are his suggestions:
  1. We should always address our sins in the context of the gospel.
  2. We must always learn to rely on the enabling power of the Holy Spirit.
  3. While depending on the Holy Spirit, we must at the same time recognize our responsibility to diligently pursue all practical steps for dealing with our sins.
  4. We must identify specific areas of acceptable sins.
  5. We should bring to bear specific applicable scriptures to each of our subtle sins. 
  6. We should cultivate the practice of prayer over the sins we tolerate. 
  7. We should involve one or more other believers with us in our struggle against our subtle sins. 

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