21 January 2012

Book Review: Lit!

It is a book about books, or rather, reading books. Tony Reinke's Lit! (2011) is described as "a Christian guide to reading books."  Reinke seeks to remind Christians that we are people of the book and reading is a part of who we are. He carefully constructs a Christian ethic for reading noting that though the Bible is to be our primary source of reading, but that we can grown and be edified by a wide variety of books by religious and non-religious authors. He spends the first part of the book discussing the reasoning behind reading and the later part of the book discussing the practicalities. I particularly benefited from his model of his reading and how he manages to read widely. Also, his encouragement to read to and with children, particularly boys, was challenging to me.  Finally, I found myself resonating with his thoughts about reading electronically. It seems initially appealing, but it loses its luster. If you are a Christian and hoping to become a better reader, this book may be an encouragement to you.

4 stars.

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